Discovering natural value

Afton Energy

Afton Energy, Ltd. is comprised of oil and gas professionals with operational experience in Canada, Asia, South Africa, South America, Australia, Europe and the USA.  Most recently, the company has assembled and developed deep and shallow oil and gas prospects in the State of Texas.  Using state-of-the-art 3D seismic, the company made discoveries of substantial reserves of oil and natural gas.  Having recently exited this play, the company has centered it’s focus on the extensive potential of the Molasse Basin, which spans three western European countries.  The initial projects identified by Afton are relatively low risk, yet potentially highly productive prospects in the German part of the basin, specifically Bavaria.

Indeed one project identified by Afton in Germany includes an old oil and gas discovery that was never developed. Should Afton be awarded this permit, from a technical viewpoint it would be swift to evaluate and bring into production thereby playing a small role in reducing Germany’s dependence on imported oil and gas.

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Afton’s Environmental Management, Health and Safety Policy recognises the need for Afton to manage its activities in a manner that minimises the likelihood of any adverse impact on its surroundings and promotes the health and safety of its employees, contractors, the general public and all other stakeholders.